Read This First, then Register Below

After emailing back and forth with Mercury’s team, we’ve confirmed that she will be here for just about two hours and will be able to accommodate about 250 signings. This event will be a signing, meet-and-greet, and photo opportunity only. Each registered attendee MUST have a book for signing (either by pre-purchase from us or someone else or reserving a copy for day-of pickup below) but may bring an unregistered friend/partner/child who doesn’t have a copy to meet Mercury and have a photo taken with you. Line will begin forming a bit before 4PM on December 5 and Mercury will continue signing until about 6PM. We will make every effort to make sure all registered attendees get to meet Mercury and have communicated with Mercury’s team to this effect, but of course if there’s a rush of registered attendees right at six there is always a chance she’ll need to go. If you are able, please come earlier rather than later.

Guests will enter through the ADA accessible front door, meet Mercury, have a photo taken and purchase book as desired, then will be free to browse the rest of the shop. There will be a second point-of-sale opportunity by the back doors for those who wish to purchase other merchandise. At Mercury’s request, masking is strongly requested at this event and we’ll have masks here for those who need one. December 5 in Portland could well be cold and rainy, so wear your layers! Looking forward to seeing you!

Registration Closed!